Ignorant attempts at Justification

I’ve probably been more than my usual snarky self with my enforced “vacation” .  But I have valid reasons for them…really !

It took over a week to get my computer back from a local tech shop(yeah should have taken it to bigger place, but it was such a simple fix that….yeah ya’ll get the picture). A week to get the power jack reseated and a new charger since the jack is little bigger than previous.  Their reasoning is that they had to order one and of course it takes time you know.  Really?  I’ve NEVER ordered ANYTHING online so have no idea that it takes over a week to get something in.  Just some usual bullshit over taking their slow ass time, which seems to be the norm according to reviews I have seen(after the fact of course).

Then of course there have been the conversations both online..which I have been kept apprised of thanks to some friends…They revolved around the way others are perceived according to race, sexuality and religions…Wait…Remind me again what year this is?  We are STILL having to have conversations about this shit?I know that some people were raised in certain atmospheres of hate and intolerance, but seriously, don’t you think that as one ages they can evolve into something, oh let’s say…something close to resembling a HUMAN BEING? I realize that being raised all over the world gave me a broader view but my parents were products of the south and held on to some of those beliefs when it came to our personal scope of things.   Want a for instance?  Ok, they objected to my dating someone who wasn’t my skin tone…did that stop me? Let’s just say that what they didn’t know surely didn’t hurt them(I still smile Marcus when I think of you)…What did it do for me?  Proved the point that he wasn’t any different than any other guy I dated, just NSFP(not suitable for parents), or at least not MY parents.  I’ve seen first hand the hatred and bigoted rhetoric spewed from people who want to sit on church pews and then treat others with utter disrespect as if they do not count for anything more than to take up space.  The judging of others who see a mixed child and the whispers of “they’re mixed you know”.  Really?  So….does that mean they won’t grow up to be anything more than a welfare mother or some thug on the street?  Exactly what do you mean when you say that you cannot love a child who is mixed race? Do you mean that you could not show them love or compassion of any kind or that you feel they are less than you as a human being?  Personally, and this is my opinion, but YOU who are across that line I’ve drawn are the worthless beings, not worth the air that the universe has given you to breathe.  YOU are the ones with a problem because you cannot see past a color divide that divides us into races, ethnicity.  Truthfully, EVERY white person upon the earth is MIXED with some other race.  Some of us even may have a darker persuasion*gasp* if you but check your family tree.  My family came from Ireland, some parts from Romania, some even mingled within Native american tribe.  I know..lots of people claim to be Cherokee, but I’ve done the research as have others in the family.  My brother even went so far as to claim his tribal number.  Cherokees as a civilized tribe often had whites, blacks as slaves, captives, and children were often born as a result of someone taking advantage of the situation.  Fact of life.  So it bothers me that people tend to assume that just because they look white, that it makes them so.  What if they were to be reminded of a time in history that said if one had ONE drop of “black” blood, they had to claim that as a race? Damn..I think I just caused someone to faint.  All those closeted sheet wearing bigots are pissing their pants right about now running to check their genealogy charts.  Better look close because even white doesn’t mean white ass crickets.   So race is still a big issue even when one is walking down the street wearing something that others deem to be “thug-like”.  I’ve seen people hold their purses a little closer when passing them in the mall, pull their kids out of the way.  Now to be fair, sometimes things ARE what they seem to be, but most often not, It’s just a way of self expression, and sometimes it can lead to tragedy, such as the case in Florida, which is now beginning to wind it’s way through the court system which has been too long delayed(yeah I know..that is my opinion and I’ll voice it..thanks all the same).

Race is not the only issue in which we still have work to do.  Women’s rights have seemed to be pushed by ignorant ass crickets back into the dark ages where we were treated as chattel.  Unfortunately for them, women today have been raised by many to believe that they can be and do anything they so choose,  thanks to a great many brave women who spoke up when it was not easy to do so.  But now we keep hearing the rhetoric of when and what a woman can do with her body.  It is getting beyond ridiculous.  Do these morons think that women cannot make informed decisions without their interference?  Majority of this is nothing more than a pandering to the religious zealots who demand things go their way or you’re going to hell for stepping out of line.  I don’t let fear rule my life even in the name of some unseen god, so choose to treat others with respect.  We are long past the stage where we are to stay at home letting the man be solely in charge of household doings(marriage is a partnership and if you don’t see it that way better check that expiration date). Women are more than capable of making informed decisions about their lives without having our options removed from us by those with their own agendas.  It’s time to take a stand and demand it stop.  IMMEDIATELY.

I’ve had people tell me that my opinions make me little judgmental myself.  Why yes.  Yes I am.  But I actually prefer to think that it’s on the correct side of the fence in a utopia like atmosphere that believes that in some point in time we can stop fighting the same old battles and learn to stop repeating so much negative history.  Pollyannaish I guess, but I really wish it could happen in my lifetime.  It would make the world a much easier place for our little people to live in.  One where they can be who they want to be, love who they choose to love and not have to explain what or why they believe as they do.  So while I’m on this side of the fence choosing to treat your ignorance with the disdain it deserves, just stay out of my way and stfu because I have no patience for the willfully stupid.


tempête parfaite