The prayer chain

Ya’ll know that I don’t mind people praying.  If that is their thing, then by all means do that.  Spells are after all prayer in action really.  it all comes down to the intent.  But here is where I’m having a problem lately.  In voodoo/hoodoo groups, and even in some of the pagan groups, I see postings of prayer chains.  People asking for prayer for simple things like sore throat, get a new job etc.  Now that is all well and good, but since when did we step off into the christian realm?  As a pagan, I do not expect the gods to answer every whim or need, desire that I have.  If I am ill, then I see a physician, or use some herbal supplement to help out. I need a job?  I get my ass out on the pavement, putting in applications, revamping that resume and working actively to gain employment.  I do not believe in a  god the same as  those who walk a christian’s in different manner that  I place my beliefs, and different ones that I choose to work with.  So why would I even offer prayers for those I do not know for mundane things?  Now don’t get me wrong..I offer energy when its needed for those who can use the assist, that is NOT the same as praying.  Praying would mean I say the words you wish to hear, expending energy that I have, for something that can be handled with physical action here in the real world.  I choose when and where to offer myself, and it’s not done lightly, but I see people all the time offer to do that for others and it makes me curious really as to why that is.  Is it some kind of holdover from the christian construct they have grown up with?  Is it that they want to claim energy from others to add to theirs because they cannot put their own forth as necessary to accomplish the job?  I have no idea really.  I only know that I cannot in good conscience pray for someone since that would mean asking for something from the divine and that is not something I do lightly or for things that to me seem a bit on the silly or weak side.  I know that there are some who disagree with this, but I also know others who hold the same belief that they have no need of the words for their desires/needs here in the mundane.  Some would say…”oh but any positive energy is a good thing”.  Really.  I also disagree with that.  Pray/ some they are one and the same.  There are those who pray that someone would “come to Jesus”.  It  is praying amiss because in truth, you are violating their free will to believe as they choose, and that prayer will not be honored.  If one cannot come on their own, they walk another line.  Simple as that.  So to pray in that setting..the other person then becomes prey.  You are setting your yardstick and guidelines on others beliefs.  That is wrong on many levels.  So for those who want to walk with a foot in both paths, and send all that love and light to every corner of the earth..feel free.  For myself, I’ll stick to the shadows where it’s comfortable and do what I’ve always done and assist when and where it’s really needed, not just because someone cannot handle real life.  I am just not comfortable watching or participating in prayer chains because I left that path a long while back because it did not fill me spiritually and that is what my path is about.  I’m not a love and light kind of witch, and am not the one to ask I guess for simple things.  I don’t carry a lot of patience in my pocket lately it seems.


tempête parfaite

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