I’ve run across another group page of pagans. I use that term loosely because they obviously are one due to the fact they don’t follow any Abrahamic faith, but they aren’t like any of those I know who follow a serious path. The “group”/page is full of those who claim to be persecuted by christians and other faiths because they are pagan. It’s an old tune that gets played quite a bit by those who have little knowledge of how things really work. They are the ones who shout from the rooftops that they are “pagan”, wear all the pretentious pentacles and purchase all the tools and books that people are willing to sell them. Leaves me shaking my head. Why? You may ask. First let me begin by saying that in some places, I have no doubt that ignorance rears its ugly head and people are harassed for not walking a more socially acceptable path. But on a wide scale platform? No. I live in a small southern town and if asked will tell people that I am pagan(although there are damn few of us around in this area), and while some have made silly statements about going to hell(I work there..not afraid of it), for the most part, I am not persecuted. So back to this little group. I read first one post, considered as a “pagan creed”. I will tell you that pagan is an umbrella term and unless one has a definite path, how one “creed” can cover us all, I have no idea. So here is this thing:
I am a Pagan, spoken against by Jews, Christians, Muslims and Scientist alike.
I am of the First Religion to grace the Earth, long before the idea of the “One True God” ever tainted it.
I am of the religion that does not call to kill others but simply to live and let live.
I am the worshiper of Ra and Isis and Hecate and Hades and a long list of others.
I am of the true religion of peace who would not kill you simply because you worship another god.
I am a Pagan.
I CALL BULLSHIT!!! While there are a few of those in the first group in this statement that might speak out against those who of us who do not follow a more secular faith, there are many who have a live and let live attitude to us…sort of like “let god sort it out” kind of thing. The second statement is almost accurate. If one considers pagans as anything not Abrahamic, then yes, pagans existed long before Christ ever came onto the scene. Gods/goddesses existed and ritualistic beliefs were held. The third statement is patently false because pagans killed others. Plain and simple history tells us of those of other faiths being killed simply because of that faith. Christians were killed, People of other nations were killed..all because they were different. Fourth statement is true, as far as that there is a long list of deities that some incorporate into their path. Some just choose to work with them, others worship them and claim them as protectors. Last statement is again Bullshit. Same as the third one..we know that pagans killed others because of their faith. Carthaginians killed others who were not of their faith, hell they even killed their children to offer to the gods without a whimper, so don’t tell me that pagans are all this love and light bullshit. Read some damn history!
Apparently I am not the only one to comment about the “us vs them” mentality, because they again posted a long post decrying the bullying of those who don’t understand. That they were not espousing “hate” but posting a positive pagan statement. They equate it with racism that if a black person said something, and a white person said the same..it would be construed as racist on the part of the white person. ~cough~ excuse me while I gag on the bullshit in that statement. Apparently according to the writer of the statements, its perfectly okay to abuse, revile, and otherwise puke on other faiths because according to him, “paganism is a true religion of peace”.~HEADDESK~ First, as I think I’ve explained before….Pagan covers a lot of ground. ANY faith that is not of the Abrahamic ones are considered pagan, because they don’t follow christ. Paganism is NOT a religion. And I think I have stated above that a majority of those that followed what was/is considered a pagan path are/were anything but peace loving. He then goes off on a tangent of how King Josiah from the Bible killed pagans and destroyed temples. Well, obviously there were things done, but it was definitely a two-way street on that one. He tries to use this as a basis for wiccans/pagans(yeah he differentiates) not being taken seriously. Really. Can you tell me why there are many in the pagan community who are highly respected even by those not of a pagan persuasion? I guess its because they let themselves be bullied? There is a difference in standing up for ones self and being an asshat, especially if one is not going to take the time to learn some damn history. Respect for others as human beings goes a long way, no matter what path you’re on. It’s those similar in nature of those of this particular page/group that give others a bad name. it makes people want to lump us all into the same pile of shit, and I have to tell ya’ll..it ain’t happening to this witch. I will continue to speak out for those who need a little back up, no matter what they believe. I will also call out those who continue to spread their brand of bullshit that wants to tar us all with the same brush.
So for the idiots(yeah I’m name calling because their ignorance warrants it)….crack open a damn history book. Specifically read about the Gauls, the Romans and the Greeks…can toss in some of the Egyptian as well…all those deities you mentioned..they all have a real affinity for persecuting and killing those who did not believe as they did and sacrificed them to their gods. And stop spouting as truth, stupid asinine statements about paganism being a religion of peace…it’s not a religion, never was….EVER. Get it right or just better yet(and I personally prefer this one) STFU!!!!!!