crazed assumptions

Sometimes people’s assumptions can make one more than a little crazed.  I post all sorts of things on FB.  Mostly those things that strike me as amusing, things that remind me of my friends or things that make me think.  But not all of what I post is a true reflection of who I am.  For instance, I post a lot of alcohol jokes.  Now one might think as a person reared in a home of an abusive, often violent alcoholic, I might not find this an amusing subject. And if I were living and had not left it behind over 30 yrs ago, I might agree with that statement.  But I have lived through it, and moved past it .So I guess it would be safe to say for those who do not know me well to “assume” that I must like to drink…a lot judging by what all I post right?  Yeah, that is how I live my life..mhm. When I get responses like “Do you drink EVERY day”, or “don’t you drink til oblivious when you don’t have child care duty”? I want to smack people.  First, just what business is it of theirs when or how I drink let alone how much?  Secondly, does the alcohol police go around for every person and determine if they can drink with a child in the house?  I think not.  So just because I often joke about drinking, dont assume that I am in fact drinking as I post it(although I could be).

The thing about growing up in an alcoholic home, one can go couple of directions.  You can either continue the cycle of abuse and drink yourself(which I did in my teens) or break that cycle and not drink, something I did as I got older.  Then I found a happy balance for myself.  I limit myself to two drinks whether I am home or out with others because I find that after 2, I tend to not appreciate others sense of humor.  It can get ugly …fast.  I also imbibe in ritual settings, which is not the same as drinking socially.  I have been known to empty the bottle of rum during a working and while I wake up tired the next day, have no other ill effects of that kind of drinking.  It doesnt make sense I know, but then that is the beauty of magic.
For those who assume to know me, my personal habits and want to comment with some retarded shit…best advice: DONT.  I am not amused, and it can cause an irreparable rift in our “friendship”.


Life is full of quirks isn’t it? We honestly never know when something is going to slam us unexpectedly from out of the blue.  Our challenge is how we deal with it and find a way for us to set our feet.

Sometimes we just get too complacent about using our tools that have served us well.The ability to read, see others for who they really are, has always been one that I’ve been able to use even when I didn’t know what to call it.  My only blind spot was with family or those I let into my inner circle. I have a tendency to let them slide sometimes.   I know when they’re lying to me, I just don’t always call them on it.  Sometimes its just to keep the peace that is sometimes a work in progress intact or sometimes the issue is minute and I don’t care to expend the energy on it.  I tend to pick and choose my battles these days.  But what does it do to my inner self if I continuously let this slide?  I stop looking within those I think I know well and ignore the obvious..that often leads to a betrayal.  Some would consider that a harsh word, but truthfully, what would you label it ? Those who profess love and concern for you, do not tell you things that affect you intimately, keeping secrets because “they don’t want to hurt you”.  I’m calling BULLSHIT. If you were truly my friend, then total honesty would be one gift you would bestow upon our relationship.  I do not ask anymore from the people in my life than I ask of myself.  Sometimes, for whatever reason,  they cannot rise to that level and I understand that its not always in their make up. So I’m willing to give a little slack on some issues.  But one thing I DEMAND is loyalty.  If you cannot have my back and tell me truths I need to be aware of then how can I trust you? I no longer can take for granted that what you say or do is truth anymore. Even on the little shit.

So today I get slammed with a truth about something that affects the heart of my I should have been made aware of.  I find out that some people we have in common on a list in social media  knew of this.  Now some have been on my list for a few years, and they joined her list for some apps.  All well and good I guess, so maybe a little leeway given.  But one specifically hit me because I know the person in a personal way.  They knew things and did not speak up and yet to my face on a daily basis portray themselves as a friend.  This is not a friend..this is one who likes having a good time with you, will take any help offered for their personal crisis, but cannot see that the worry you may have had over a situation could have been alleviated if they had said something.  This is almost as painful as the betrayal of the original situation.  I had a knee jerk reaction and culled half of those we had in common..won’t miss those since we didn’t interact anyway, just on apps, and I don’t play them anymore. But its the others that will take some thought and some reads to decide what to do about.  As for the one that is personally attached…that one will take some real decisions since it not only affects the social thing, but the mundane as well..  yeah goes on and all that shit

Relevance? I think not

<<<This makes me crazy.  It is a representation of “The Burning times”.  Why those walking a pagan path feel the need to pull out the “persecution” card ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME. I will never understand.

First of all, MY mortality depends upon me and my appointed time with destiny.  NOT someone else’s view of morality.  Back in the day of those persecuted for witchcraft, (NONE of whom  were actually proven to be witches, but common folk who had the misfortune to be accused and murdered at the hands of the church led state), the accusations were built along superstitions, and the need for attention by some, and greed by others.  In fact, superstition and lack of education causes a great many ills for the community as a whole.  It is suggested by the photo and those that posted it, they are claiming persecution by the christian sect. While I admit that there are some who speak out of their asses and cause problems, the community as a whole cannot be tarred and feathered with the same brush.  But to constantly push this notion of “I don’t believe like you so I’m being persecuted whenever you open your mouth” is more than a little ridiculous.  Of course, as I have observed, it tends to hang around more in those with the love and light brigade ..those who like the idea of being “wiccan” or pagan without a clue as to any history of any definite path or what all it entails.  We had a slight experiment in a group the other day, and someone posted about “the burning times”, and it was on.  The usual drivel came out about persecution of those today who walk differently.  Ok..we call bullshit.  A friend posted a total fabrication as to how this was perpetuated in the past, and was accepted by those little fluffheads hook line and sinker!  We sit back and good can this get?  So again yet another yarn was posted..”That’s just how I heard it too”.  WTF?!? You did? But she just made that shit up!  Those who have knowledge were sitting shaking their heads and laughing because those little crickets were chiming in with total bullshit.  It’s all about education people! Not the inflaming of those who have no sense.  I see that the same group who’s photo I lifted has posted yet another inflammatory pix.  It really makes me wonder just what is their agenda?  They claim to be pagan news, so why not post something that really pertains to such such as those on the wild Hunt does(I’d mention others but they have strayed too far for me to consider them informative)? Why the need to fan flames of those who have not done research and yet want to hang onto myths? It really boggles the mind how such insanity can continue to thrive, but I guess as long as there are people willing to make a buck by publishing fiction and UPG passed off as fact, there will always be these little flufftarded people running around spouting drivel.
Now before people get their knickers all twisted, let me say that yes…I know that there are places where to be openly pagan is not the best move to make.  But then again, wearing hubcab sized pentagrams around your neck and spouting the rede every chance you get is likely to get you some odd looks even within the pagan community.  Why can it not be about just people?  Why do people have to jump on the persecution train in order to feel justified in walking their path?  Learn a little history folks and then educate yourself some more  about the path you walk.  We aren’t all the same, so some things won’t apply, but respect for each other goes a long way toward solving some of the problems.

Oh..and if you are by chance “sharing” such crap as the picture above, and trying to pass yourself off as “news” for those on a particular path…I hold you to a higher level.  You need to educate yourself before trying to show others how they can walk their path.  You need to be ashamed at keeping walls built and ignorance going on far much longer than it should be.  Check that mirror and do some shadow work as to why you would keep perpetuating myths and inaccuracies in your “sharing” for others. All it does is show your stupidity and lack of respect for your fellow human beings.  Get over it. Get over yourself while you’re at it.  You have no relevance.

Mired in the bog of ignorance

Ever notice how some people seem to be so full of themselves that it seems as if they are stuck in a bog of ignorance.  It matters not that others correct them, offer better insight into the conversation, but because they are so stuck on themselves, they will not listen.   So with their air of supposed superiority, they waltz around spouting all sorts of drivel.  It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about, they have an opinion and its right dammit.  Just ask them. Now many of us as we start out on our path’s journeys, are more than a little green.  We like the shinies, all the trappings, and hoopla, but eventually we either get shown truth by our guides, find a nugget in a tome somewhere or someone smacks us upside the head and tells us to wake up and taste the rum!  So we move past where we first placed our foot on the path and move forward, tweaking, and learning until our path represents who we are. That is called a learning process, one forged through hard work, much soul searching and conversations with those who would guide us.  And still as we look back, we see those who refuse to move past where they began.  Content on standing  knee deep, mired in a bog of shit that serves noone, least of all them.  One has to wonder why they stand there.  Is it because they are afraid to admit to themselves that what they think they know is totes carp and they might have been wrong on more than one front? Is it because they are so caught up in that love and light/healing shit tossed by every witch come lately that they refuse to admit to the need for balance in the universe?  Is it because they refuse to admit that taking a good look in the mirror and accepting who they are is more than a little required for becoming who they are destined to be?

To be honest those type of people that are mired down more than a little frustrate me.  Maybe its the shit they toss out about energy and healing  .  Pulling energy from the air is all well and good, but what do you do with the excess and how are you manipulating it?  Just how do they plan on healing the world?  Whatever you put out has to be in balance, so if you are removing negative, where are you putting it? It always boggles my mind at the narrow thinking of some of these people.  I could rant til I was blue in the face, but it makes no difference.  They are content to hang where they are.  Standing in that mucked river bed, mired in their own arrogance and ignorance.  Unfortunately they cannot see behind them as the waves are starting to form anew and make their way down the bed itself. Hope they can swim stuck on the bottom…Ya’ll reckon they can suck air through a reed on the bank?

Walking in the shadows

Today I am perusing the stalker feed.  I wonder why I put myself through it because truthfully I will invariably see something that either makes me shake my head or my jaw drop with a what the fuck look.
It’s crazy sometimes what is put out there for sale for all those white lighters who want to put forth all that “we walk in the light only and not in shadow because its evil” bullshit. ya’ll even listen to yourself?  Do you hear how stupid that sounds? If you are anyway connected to nature on your path ,and most make that claim,then you will understand that there is balance of light and shadow , of duality.  There is no ‘good” and “evil” in this make up.  It simply “IS”.  Humans are the ones who place the labels there and construe them to suit their own personal values.  So why the need to sell all this “white magick” (yeah with the ever pretentious K)shit?  I don’t understand it really.
I was  whining about why do I look at such stuff?. A friend made a profound comment(it resonated with me).  She said  ” To remind you why you walk in the shadows and let the popularity chasers walk in the spotlight.” Maybe that makes me sound elitist or judgmental and in some ways I guess it is, but  in truth, what I do, how I work needs no atta-boys or accolades from others.  I do as I have always done, and if that helps others, then so be it.  I prefer the shadows where there is comfort and time to breath as opposed to being out in the bright spotlight  that a lot of people seem to seek.  and I don’t have anything against their works for sale..what I take issue with is this need to place a label on it for the new and fluff to gobble up as if at some sort of damn smorgasbord, gathering up all the chotzkes  , all the shineys and of course candles galore in every color and nuance …it all invariably gets labelled for “white magic(k)”, and to me that shows the ignorance behind what is offered.  Even if someone had enough sense to buy this and use it in a wise way, the stupidity with how its presented will turn those with more than a semblance of education to turn away.  but maybe its not to those who do so that you wish to line your pockets with huh?  You intend to sell to the fluff, those who think they need to buy any and all that you have to offer without even knowing the significance of the items.  Yeah, well, I think I will stick to my shadows and fend for myself, thanks just the same.  I am allergic to bullshit and stupidity, no matter the direction it comes.

Purpose? Just a matter of perspective

So my blog has been slacking since my forced vacation, and I find that I am behind on my rants etc.  So what is a witch to do?  Well get off her ass and write of course!

I’m on FB as is my usual and I am playing in the stalker feed which can be entertaining since I can follow friends postings in groups that I’m not in(and don’t want to join).  So as I’m reading, I see a posting from someone that asks people what their purpose in life is. There are many answers from being a good parent(honorable) to walking their path better(eh…~shrugs~), but the answer was apparently connected to “what are you passionate about”.  IMHO, our passions change as we grow,age, experience life.  What we are passionate about at 5-not taking naps- we might learn to appreciate say about the age of 50.  What we love in our teens may not translate over into our adult years.  While we may still hold an appreciation for them, they are not our true purpose.  Did Mother Teresa always hold a purpose of helping the poor?  I don’t think so.  I think it grew as she did, seeing and experiencing life around her to the extent that she placed herself among them in order to further that true purpose.  What of Buddha?  Born of privilege, his path to enlightenment began as he surveyed life experiences around him.   His purpose ? Personal enlightenment.  His passions changed to a more self-centered personal one.  One can have passions about many things and while they are fulfilling, they may not be our true purpose in life.  Our goals change as we grow and experience life experiences.  Some may love art and seek to attain a greater experience with that.  So what is their purpose?  Is it to be commercial and make a living doing what they enjoy doing?  Is it to actually create something that is received favorably by others or is it simply to experience that feeling of nirvana that comes from the creative process? It could vary and still yet what if their purpose was simply to put that art out there that is to be experienced by someone else to gain an appreciation for the world at hand?

While it is true that it’s better to be passionate about what we do, sometimes what the universe has decreed to be our main purpose in life is totally different.  My guides give me definitive instructions.  They show me why I am here.  I don’t always listen much as a stubborn child, but I do know it’s not what I show to the world at large on a grand scale.  I am passionate about my family, their well being is of my concern on a daily basis and I make sure to keep in touch with them so that things run smoothly.  While they are a great part of my life, there is part of it that doesn’t concern them and has nothing to do with my main purpose.  It is centered around my spiritual self and that is personal.

I often wonder about those who claim to have  a lock on their “purpose”, because for me it’s a work in progress.  Simply posting “quotes in a bottle” here and yon for others to find a “nugget” that they feel applies to them in the moment does not mean you have found true purpose.  What it means is that you have found a way to connect to those seeking and while you personally have made a connection, the other person may not have found what it is they seek as purpose in their life.  I can’t tell people what their purpose is, but I think too often they have a tendency to limit their idea of what that is.  For me purpose has to fulfill EVERY aspect of one’s life, not just on one level, so if somewhere it’s not available in an area of your life, chances are, it’s just a passing passion and not true purpose.


Ignorant attempts at Justification

I’ve probably been more than my usual snarky self with my enforced “vacation” .  But I have valid reasons for them…really !

It took over a week to get my computer back from a local tech shop(yeah should have taken it to bigger place, but it was such a simple fix that….yeah ya’ll get the picture). A week to get the power jack reseated and a new charger since the jack is little bigger than previous.  Their reasoning is that they had to order one and of course it takes time you know.  Really?  I’ve NEVER ordered ANYTHING online so have no idea that it takes over a week to get something in.  Just some usual bullshit over taking their slow ass time, which seems to be the norm according to reviews I have seen(after the fact of course).

Then of course there have been the conversations both online..which I have been kept apprised of thanks to some friends…They revolved around the way others are perceived according to race, sexuality and religions…Wait…Remind me again what year this is?  We are STILL having to have conversations about this shit?I know that some people were raised in certain atmospheres of hate and intolerance, but seriously, don’t you think that as one ages they can evolve into something, oh let’s say…something close to resembling a HUMAN BEING? I realize that being raised all over the world gave me a broader view but my parents were products of the south and held on to some of those beliefs when it came to our personal scope of things.   Want a for instance?  Ok, they objected to my dating someone who wasn’t my skin tone…did that stop me? Let’s just say that what they didn’t know surely didn’t hurt them(I still smile Marcus when I think of you)…What did it do for me?  Proved the point that he wasn’t any different than any other guy I dated, just NSFP(not suitable for parents), or at least not MY parents.  I’ve seen first hand the hatred and bigoted rhetoric spewed from people who want to sit on church pews and then treat others with utter disrespect as if they do not count for anything more than to take up space.  The judging of others who see a mixed child and the whispers of “they’re mixed you know”.  Really?  So….does that mean they won’t grow up to be anything more than a welfare mother or some thug on the street?  Exactly what do you mean when you say that you cannot love a child who is mixed race? Do you mean that you could not show them love or compassion of any kind or that you feel they are less than you as a human being?  Personally, and this is my opinion, but YOU who are across that line I’ve drawn are the worthless beings, not worth the air that the universe has given you to breathe.  YOU are the ones with a problem because you cannot see past a color divide that divides us into races, ethnicity.  Truthfully, EVERY white person upon the earth is MIXED with some other race.  Some of us even may have a darker persuasion*gasp* if you but check your family tree.  My family came from Ireland, some parts from Romania, some even mingled within Native american tribe.  I know..lots of people claim to be Cherokee, but I’ve done the research as have others in the family.  My brother even went so far as to claim his tribal number.  Cherokees as a civilized tribe often had whites, blacks as slaves, captives, and children were often born as a result of someone taking advantage of the situation.  Fact of life.  So it bothers me that people tend to assume that just because they look white, that it makes them so.  What if they were to be reminded of a time in history that said if one had ONE drop of “black” blood, they had to claim that as a race? Damn..I think I just caused someone to faint.  All those closeted sheet wearing bigots are pissing their pants right about now running to check their genealogy charts.  Better look close because even white doesn’t mean white ass crickets.   So race is still a big issue even when one is walking down the street wearing something that others deem to be “thug-like”.  I’ve seen people hold their purses a little closer when passing them in the mall, pull their kids out of the way.  Now to be fair, sometimes things ARE what they seem to be, but most often not, It’s just a way of self expression, and sometimes it can lead to tragedy, such as the case in Florida, which is now beginning to wind it’s way through the court system which has been too long delayed(yeah I know..that is my opinion and I’ll voice it..thanks all the same).

Race is not the only issue in which we still have work to do.  Women’s rights have seemed to be pushed by ignorant ass crickets back into the dark ages where we were treated as chattel.  Unfortunately for them, women today have been raised by many to believe that they can be and do anything they so choose,  thanks to a great many brave women who spoke up when it was not easy to do so.  But now we keep hearing the rhetoric of when and what a woman can do with her body.  It is getting beyond ridiculous.  Do these morons think that women cannot make informed decisions without their interference?  Majority of this is nothing more than a pandering to the religious zealots who demand things go their way or you’re going to hell for stepping out of line.  I don’t let fear rule my life even in the name of some unseen god, so choose to treat others with respect.  We are long past the stage where we are to stay at home letting the man be solely in charge of household doings(marriage is a partnership and if you don’t see it that way better check that expiration date). Women are more than capable of making informed decisions about their lives without having our options removed from us by those with their own agendas.  It’s time to take a stand and demand it stop.  IMMEDIATELY.

I’ve had people tell me that my opinions make me little judgmental myself.  Why yes.  Yes I am.  But I actually prefer to think that it’s on the correct side of the fence in a utopia like atmosphere that believes that in some point in time we can stop fighting the same old battles and learn to stop repeating so much negative history.  Pollyannaish I guess, but I really wish it could happen in my lifetime.  It would make the world a much easier place for our little people to live in.  One where they can be who they want to be, love who they choose to love and not have to explain what or why they believe as they do.  So while I’m on this side of the fence choosing to treat your ignorance with the disdain it deserves, just stay out of my way and stfu because I have no patience for the willfully stupid.


tempête parfaite

The prayer chain

Ya’ll know that I don’t mind people praying.  If that is their thing, then by all means do that.  Spells are after all prayer in action really.  it all comes down to the intent.  But here is where I’m having a problem lately.  In voodoo/hoodoo groups, and even in some of the pagan groups, I see postings of prayer chains.  People asking for prayer for simple things like sore throat, get a new job etc.  Now that is all well and good, but since when did we step off into the christian realm?  As a pagan, I do not expect the gods to answer every whim or need, desire that I have.  If I am ill, then I see a physician, or use some herbal supplement to help out. I need a job?  I get my ass out on the pavement, putting in applications, revamping that resume and working actively to gain employment.  I do not believe in a  god the same as  those who walk a christian’s in different manner that  I place my beliefs, and different ones that I choose to work with.  So why would I even offer prayers for those I do not know for mundane things?  Now don’t get me wrong..I offer energy when its needed for those who can use the assist, that is NOT the same as praying.  Praying would mean I say the words you wish to hear, expending energy that I have, for something that can be handled with physical action here in the real world.  I choose when and where to offer myself, and it’s not done lightly, but I see people all the time offer to do that for others and it makes me curious really as to why that is.  Is it some kind of holdover from the christian construct they have grown up with?  Is it that they want to claim energy from others to add to theirs because they cannot put their own forth as necessary to accomplish the job?  I have no idea really.  I only know that I cannot in good conscience pray for someone since that would mean asking for something from the divine and that is not something I do lightly or for things that to me seem a bit on the silly or weak side.  I know that there are some who disagree with this, but I also know others who hold the same belief that they have no need of the words for their desires/needs here in the mundane.  Some would say…”oh but any positive energy is a good thing”.  Really.  I also disagree with that.  Pray/ some they are one and the same.  There are those who pray that someone would “come to Jesus”.  It  is praying amiss because in truth, you are violating their free will to believe as they choose, and that prayer will not be honored.  If one cannot come on their own, they walk another line.  Simple as that.  So to pray in that setting..the other person then becomes prey.  You are setting your yardstick and guidelines on others beliefs.  That is wrong on many levels.  So for those who want to walk with a foot in both paths, and send all that love and light to every corner of the earth..feel free.  For myself, I’ll stick to the shadows where it’s comfortable and do what I’ve always done and assist when and where it’s really needed, not just because someone cannot handle real life.  I am just not comfortable watching or participating in prayer chains because I left that path a long while back because it did not fill me spiritually and that is what my path is about.  I’m not a love and light kind of witch, and am not the one to ask I guess for simple things.  I don’t carry a lot of patience in my pocket lately it seems.


tempête parfaite

Let me spell it out for you

I have issues…I tell you all the time, that I like to be the one in control..of my life, my path, my….EVERYTHING.  It goes way back to a time when things in my world spun beyond my control, filled with abuse fueled by alcohol, insanity and perversion.  So at a time when I could not protect myself, I developed some skill sets that served me well and I still put into use even now that they aren’t as necessary as they used to be.   So I have a tendency to over think things(not always a bad thing), and demand space from what is mine.  It’s like drawing a line 3 feet out and telling you to stay the fuck behind the line or draw back a nub.  I have issues..I tell you :).  The reason for this little rant is that I use this little blog to write out storms, dreams to go back and decipher, and just put out what I am thinking.  It’s included in the “all that is mine” space I just mentioned, and I’ve had some people just come in and wholesale it out on front street without even so much   a “may I please”.  Now I ask you…just what kind of ass cricket does this?  With my control issues, I get a little paranoid already when my little writings get sent on the wind, but I get downright snarky when things get hijacked.  So for those who just think they can do as they please, let me spell it out for the very last time.  If you think that lifting things that do not belong to you is the way to go, I suggest you check the fine print that says it has legal protection,  It also has lojack, which means for the uninitiated that your wheels will fall off your little red wagon because I’m sick and tired of trying to explain the term respect to those who have no fucking clue even if I were to hand them one wrapped in a bow!!!  So this is last time ass cricket.  The next sound you hear will be your lungs trying to suck air(my personal code of ethics say I have to leave you breathing..just not in what condition).

Profitez de cette écriture, et vous verrez, à quel point il sera dangereux. La douleur et le conflit avec elle vient, vous donnant la tempête parfaite. Maintenant allez vous faire foutre

Assumptions and all that carp

Don’t you love when you see things people post that make a broad statement about “everyone?”  Today I get home and peruse through status and see this one from Pagan Coalition:
A Pagan is a person who believes that everything has a soul or spirit. This is called Animism, and all Pagan religions share this common belief.Sun,Moon,Stars,Planets,Elements, Rivers,Animals, Rocks, Trees,as well as People, are all filled with there own unique spirits. Traditionally, Christians believe that only humans have souls or spirits.

Really.  So, let me see if I can decipher this mess.  ALL pagans believe everything has soul or spirit. ALL pagans are Animists. ALL pagans believe in the universe as a whole, sun, moon, trees, rocks, etc.  Christians believe ONLY humans have souls.

So, let’s go through these shall we?   Do ALL pagans believe everything has a soul or spirit?  It depends on one’s definition of the word “pagan” I think, but quite a few of us do. But there are many that are Pantheistic(which is similar) , and some are totemic.  So to lump us all under ONE definition is to my personal opinion, assuming way to much.

On to the next little jewel that ALL pagans believe in the universal of sun, moon, trees, et al.  No.  We don’t.  Some of us do not even involve nature at all into our path.  Some do not abide by timing of the moon, sun or any other planetary bodies.  We don’t all go out and commune with nature, hugging trees, picking flowers, collecting rocks and twigs.   I might have a few elements of nature in my path because of the herbs, elements and timing, but saying that ALL of us believe that way ….I call bullshit!

Last but certainly not least is the “Christians believe only humans have souls or spirits”.  Now soul and spirit are often used interchangeably by many.  But in certain faiths, it is applied to the incorporeal essence of a person.  Many secular faiths believe it to contain the real essence of that person, as in the case of one “going to heaven” .  But Christians are not alone in their belief that humans alone possess a soul.    In fact, Judaism, B’hai faith, Orthodox churches also believe that way.  Buddhists believe in a transient state..We are always in a state of flux.  Taoism says humans have two souls, hun and po, yin and yang…So to specifically state and imply that Christians alone believe that humans have soul is again a crock of shit.

So why post an all encompassing one size fits all, everyone is alike kind of definition?  It makes no sense. Confuses the hell out of the little fluffmuffins wandering around trying to find their “truth” and destination.  Why not tell them the truth?  Tell them that we don’t all believe the same.  some of us have a traditional path that has a set dogma and structure, while others have a combination of UPG and knowledge gained through study and exploration.  We are Not all the same, nor do we believe that way.  the main reason many of us walk a pagan path is that we hate structure and rules.  The secular faiths did nothing for us so we came seeking something that speaks to us personally.  We don’t all fit into the same hole.  so personally, I want pagan groups in general to stop trying to speak for one and all because we are all diverse, coming at this from our own perspective, and while some generalities might be true, as a whole, it does not fit.  So stop with all the bullshit and try a little truth for a change.  Who knows? You might actually like that view in the mirror for a change.