You aren’t one of “us” so fuck you

Sometimes it boggles my mind when the “my way is better, so I’m right ” brigade starts in others. There is a court case that many are watching closely in which a Wiccan chaplain is petitioning to be able to minister in prisons for those who have need of his service.  At the moment only secular faiths are recognized and many don’t feel that he has a right because after all, Wicca is not recognized by people outside the pagan world. It’s called evil, satanic, ungodly…out of ignorance because they do not understand it.  And as for those considered under the pagan umbrella, well forget it because most don’t even qualify as a religion if we are going to compare them to Abrahamic faiths.  My problem is when those in pagan circles want to tell those who walk outside a group setting that because they aren’t religious, then they do not qualify for protection under the first amendment.  I respectfully disagree.  That amendment states that no law shall be enacted in the establishment of a religion(which in this political climate is coming closer to being broken EVERY. DAY.).  It also says that none can be impeded from the free exercise of religion.  It is when the definition of religion comes into play.





set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creationof a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing amoral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.

the practice of religious  beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
If we go by the 1st definition or perhaps the 5th one..then ALL who practice ANY form of spirituality are religious in the sense that we have a belief and as such are protected under the law.
If by chance , we go by the 2nd, then by others definitions we are all witchfucked.  Not only do we have to try to fight with those outside pagan circles, we often have to defend ourselves from those who walk a structured path, are involved within circles and see those of us who walk solitary paths or a path that to them holds no structure(according to them) as inferior.
Many of us having had secular faiths shoved down our throats dislike the term “religion”, not because we aren’t, but because we like to think of ourselves more as spiritual in the connection to universe and how we practice.  How often do we run across those who sit pews then spew hate to those who are not the same as them? There are more than enough examples, so I will spare you the listings, but the climate of our country has seen more than enough attacks on those who walk contrary to those in power to be alarmed. I can agree that all of us need to speak up.  To let those we’ve elected that we no longer will sit idly by and let them usurp all the rights granted us by our founding fathers(who were NOT all christian btw..many were theists and in the preamble says that all men are created equal endowed by their Creator with certain inalienably rights).  You see what they did there?  They said “their Creator”…not a faceless god of one specific faith, but how people choose to see a higher power(or not).  Many who choose to not label their path a religion usually have deity involved somewhere in their path.  That is their right.  And it is protected.   So why quibble over which definition one follows? Its a personal spiritual journey and we all need to stand up as an individual and demand that all people be treated equally …even if you don’t agree.

What are you afraid of?

I’ve been reading a little today, trying to make sense of recent loss and find a center for myself.  The week will be helpful since I am on staycation from hell and I can just relax without any added stress.  I do this alone because it’s familiar territory for me, not because I can’t reach out to those who could and most certainly would help me.  I find that I am stronger for it, this retreating to the shadows.

I have been perusing groups and the feeds on the social media  and one posting caught my attention.  Mostly because of the subject matter.  It reads as follows:

Never be dependent upon anyone
in this world
Because even your own shadow leaves you

when you are in darkness.

I do not agree with this statement exactly.  while I am a true advocate for independence, sometimes one can go overboard in being stubborn and not allowing others to help.  I am guilty of that sometimes myself.  I have done so much on my own because of necessity or even because of these pesky control issues I have that I have trouble allowing others to join in and help when and where they can without waiting for the other shoe to drop, i.e. “what do they want in return”.  But its the part about the shadow that I totally disagree with.  Your shadow is a part of you so how then could it disappear?  For myself and those who often seek the darkness to seek solace, healing and respite,  our shadow is often wrapped around us like a cloak keeping us warmed, protected and shielded from those who would still seek us out for whatever reason.  My curiosity is piqued when people have a real aversion to all things shadows.  What are they afraid of?  I’ve seen more things that can freak some the fuck out, and yet most of those have been out in the open and in the light.  Maybe its because they have some deep rooted fear of the dark and all things that go bump in the night that they cannot get past.  Or perhaps its their preconceived idea of good and evil, good=light, evil =dark.  For whatever reason, if one begins speaking of shadow world, or beings found there, you invariably get those sideways glances as well as a distancing from people.  Maybe its because they have not experienced as myself and others have that they do not feel the warmth there.  Just because one is alone, does not mean that one is always lonely.  Sometimes that aloneness is required to find balance, seek instruction from those who guide us or just escape the chaotic mess of the mundane.  So for those who will try almost anything to stay out of the shadow…I say..c’mon in , you will never know what you may find.  What are you afraid of?






I have sat and watched with interest lately at some of the labels, and conversations around people’s various paths and knowledge of them.  And I am trying to see where they are coming from, but its a little muddy.
So the first one I see is someone who came into a group I frequent, who labels herself as a High Priestess of a Satanic organization as well as a “dark” pagan. And yet when she came into a pagan group not known for swallowing bullshit, she posted generic McWiccan  elemental spells as well as directions to make a witch bottle for protection.  Now I am not too sure what tenets her organization adheres’s a “secret” society but it advertises for new members on media.  Yeah..I couldn’t exactly get my head wrapped around that either.  So I looked at her name to give me a clue as to what she is about, because names are me starting point of reference.  The first part was Baphomet.  Now this name creates a lot of controversy even in the pagan world as to the origins, with everything from the Knights of Templar, the Freemasons as well as Elphias Levi’s “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie“ written in 1897 that became a standard for reference in modern occultism.   While it certainly has a LHP bent, it doesn’t really have a lot to do with satanism as a whole, although some groups use the symbol drawn by Levi as a way to differentiate themselves from anything remotely connecting them to other parts of the occult such as wicca .  The second part of her name is Sekhemet.  Sekhemet is an Egyptian goddess.  Her name means “powerful one”.  She also carries the  name, One before who evil trembles/  Now I ask you…would any self respecting satanist saddle themselves with such a name?  I think not.  Most, if they choose a name to work with ritualistically do not make it public outside their group.  I know several people involved in satanist groups, some Luciferian, some part of the LeVeyan  group.  In fact back in the 60’s, Anton LeVey formed the church of Satan that still carries on today today in some form or fashion.  He in fact was not truly a satanist.  He didn’t believe in deity at all, but then as now in some cases, the group pulls in money, celebrities and the sex is good.  Satanist groups as a whole have differences in beliefs much as pagans, but to use the names she’s gifted herself with as well as speaking of the “devil” which is actually a christian construct rather than worshiping Satan or Lucifer(two different entities) speaks volumes at their lack of knowledge.  They can’t even claim to be a theist because truthfully, I am not sure even they know who or what they truly believe, since they’re tossing out generic spells, that can be found online on many wiccan sites.  As for “dark” pagan, I’m going to go with that it includes that which  deals in chaos magic and LHP(left hand path) kind of thing.  In truth, one needs balance, so pagan is universal without assigning any form of light/dark to the verbiage imho.  If one is a chaos practitioner, or even hermetics, then that would be a label for the path that majority would recognize.  It’s just a little difficult to understand what the description “dark” encompasses since there are many pagans who practice differently and some of us are just as apt to pull in rootwork for practice that others who wont cross that line would find “dark” and yet we do not define ourselves as such.  But when questioned as to origins of said path, said “HP” pulled her posts and packed her altar then left in a huff because all comments directed were “malicious”.  OMDayum..a sensitive “satanist”! That is a rare bird indeed.  Most know their history, their beliefs and are not shy about letting you know how “young” your path truly is…kind of arrogant, but that’s their way.

The other conversation I became aware of this week was in another group.  I was part of it, then left because some of their admins have a way of deleting threads if they get too “hot” for their tastes..I smh over this because, 1.  We’re adults, and are supposed to be able to stand it.  And 2.  it’s the internet ffs!  One can always walk way from the computer, click another page..whatever it takes to ignore some asscricket. But I have some on my friend lists that frequent this group and I find the stalker feed amusing at times to read what they are commenting on.

So the conversation started off general and then somewhere in the middle, one made a comment that Wicca and voodoo were similar.  I almost spit tea all over the laptop(not first time I might add).  WTF? Do you really mean what you just said?  Apparently he did because he then stated that he had a few drinks one night with someone who practiced voodoo and they compared the similarities.  ~Headdesk~Now there was someone knowledgeable about Vodun in the conversation itself and he tried to dissuade said individual that this made no sense because voodoo itself depending upon the part of the world its from has many components, has been around forever and Wicca is a made up religion about 50 yrs old or so.  The argument was Wicca is similar to Voodoo. The source that is immanent in all things, is too vast for humans to comprehend in its entirety. Since it is incomprehensible, it is approached as a God and Goddess, male and female, so that we can build relationships with them in a way that our minds can comprehend. The rebuttal was” We comprehend God just fine; we just view God as being that which is upholding and reworking creation, too vast to be distracted by individual people needing to bug Mama or Papa for things like a new job.

We believe God created the spirits and the Angels to serve us as we serve them; we give prayer and glory to God, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty he’s given us department managers instead of the CEO’s phone number.

There is no similarity between the religions in that regard.” (Many thanks to Matt for his clear answers). So having a drink or two with someone who may or may not have experience in voodoo may or may not  be the best way to judge similarities of paths.  In fact, There are many differences that would keep some from following either path, but that really comes down to personal taste or connection to deity in my opinion.

Whenever I see those who make statements such as those above, or see people gift themselves with names, labels or claim expertise as “teacher” without putting forth the effort to truly learn, I want to smack them on the back of the head and tell them that they are part of the problem. “What is pagan”  is a question often asked and its a convoluted mess to try and answer for those who do not comprehend..  We’re all different to be sure and as such will arrive at different destinations as per our experiences, but for those who come behind us seeking, why cloudy up the water and churn it into mud?  Why not leave a clear marker of where you’ve been, showing what worked for you, what didn’t, what you learned from both examples and why you moved on? To me that makes much more sense than trying on the emperor’s clothes while he isn’t home.  They don’t fit, make you look like a clown and you have no right to them.



Taking charge

I’ve been an observer as of late.  Watching what plays out both in the mundane as well as online.  And a few things have me thinking. People are rethinking their path, their lives, and others have chimed in with their two cents,voicing their opinion, and one has to wonder why.
We are creatures of change.  We are not the same day to day, month to month, hell even five minutes ago.  So parts of our lives change and stay in a state of flux.  Knowing this, I often wonder why we are surprised at new direction.  I am an advocate for introspection..real seeking in our lives..shadow work that gives us a chance to tweak and revamp what works for us and to set aside what no longer does.  Sometimes the things I learned years ago do not apply to my life  today.  They are just unnecessary  substance that fills up the shelves of our cosmos.  How I practice today is not the same.  So what changed?  Myself  is the answer.  I let go some preconceived ideas, tossed aside some judgements, and finally embraced who I am as a person, deciding that my spiritual self needed to become the spark that was reflected by my outward self presented to the world.  Sounds simple huh?  Yeah…so very not.  I found as I was letting go of things that I had incorporated into my path, that in retrospect seems silly in its simplistic view, was actually damn hard to let go.  Not because it didn’t work, but because of the fear.  What if I go this way and it doesn’t work as I intended?  What if I find out halfway through that this is not what I wanted?  What if, oh just what if I was “wrong”?   In truth, if it teaches us a lesson then how can it be wrong? But all these ideas ran through my head(and sometimes still do).  Am I doing this right? Truthfully, if I were to ask those who follow a defined path their answer would be “NO”, since I don’t, many just give me a sideways glance as if to say “I don’t get anything about this shit”.  And I’m fine with that.  Since I began this shadow work of healing myself and moving forward to what fulfills me spiritually, I have learned that this journey is really all about me.  While I care what others think(its a human reaction..can’t completely rid myself of that…yet), I cannot allow that to take precedence over doing what is right for me.  Most of my path is about practice.  that doesn’t mean I have no connection to deity or guides, it just means that what I do is more proactive rather than begging for help.  Yeah..there are those damn control issues again :).

I am the one in charge of this journey.  I construct this path, making mistakes as I go, but that is how I grow.  But I know there will always be those on the outside that will question how and what I believe and do.  My question for them is this:  Who are you to know what makes my soul feel like its connected to the universe?  Are you the one who can free my mind to fly with the elements during the storms in order to land safely after the calm has settled around me? Do you have proof that your way is better for me?  If so, show me that source.  If not, then move the fuck on because I am the one in charge here.  It’s taken me a long time to be able to stand up after looking in the mirror and telling the world..”This is me, take me as I am or keep stepping”.  Some days are easier than others, but that is the beauty of this journey…one never knows what will come up in response.  My only hope for it is that I continue to grow as I move through the chaos and remodeling.  If it seems as if I am not, well then I guess its back to the shadow work to figure out why that is.

So for those who walk as I do, seeking, searching, revamping, my advice is to keep doing what you’re doing.  You and you alone are the only one who can decide what is right for yourself , whether that be a constructed path that has real structure or like mine ,is a little more fluid.  It has to be what feeds your spirit and not what others have decreed you must be.  After all, this is why you are not in a more conservative path for your spirituality, right? So keep walking tall, stand your ground on what feels right for you, and dismiss those naysayers who have no clue as to what you are about.  We are the ones taking charge, and it feels so very right.

tempête parfaite

Relevance? I think not

<<<This makes me crazy.  It is a representation of “The Burning times”.  Why those walking a pagan path feel the need to pull out the “persecution” card ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME. I will never understand.

First of all, MY mortality depends upon me and my appointed time with destiny.  NOT someone else’s view of morality.  Back in the day of those persecuted for witchcraft, (NONE of whom  were actually proven to be witches, but common folk who had the misfortune to be accused and murdered at the hands of the church led state), the accusations were built along superstitions, and the need for attention by some, and greed by others.  In fact, superstition and lack of education causes a great many ills for the community as a whole.  It is suggested by the photo and those that posted it, they are claiming persecution by the christian sect. While I admit that there are some who speak out of their asses and cause problems, the community as a whole cannot be tarred and feathered with the same brush.  But to constantly push this notion of “I don’t believe like you so I’m being persecuted whenever you open your mouth” is more than a little ridiculous.  Of course, as I have observed, it tends to hang around more in those with the love and light brigade ..those who like the idea of being “wiccan” or pagan without a clue as to any history of any definite path or what all it entails.  We had a slight experiment in a group the other day, and someone posted about “the burning times”, and it was on.  The usual drivel came out about persecution of those today who walk differently.  Ok..we call bullshit.  A friend posted a total fabrication as to how this was perpetuated in the past, and was accepted by those little fluffheads hook line and sinker!  We sit back and good can this get?  So again yet another yarn was posted..”That’s just how I heard it too”.  WTF?!? You did? But she just made that shit up!  Those who have knowledge were sitting shaking their heads and laughing because those little crickets were chiming in with total bullshit.  It’s all about education people! Not the inflaming of those who have no sense.  I see that the same group who’s photo I lifted has posted yet another inflammatory pix.  It really makes me wonder just what is their agenda?  They claim to be pagan news, so why not post something that really pertains to such such as those on the wild Hunt does(I’d mention others but they have strayed too far for me to consider them informative)? Why the need to fan flames of those who have not done research and yet want to hang onto myths? It really boggles the mind how such insanity can continue to thrive, but I guess as long as there are people willing to make a buck by publishing fiction and UPG passed off as fact, there will always be these little flufftarded people running around spouting drivel.
Now before people get their knickers all twisted, let me say that yes…I know that there are places where to be openly pagan is not the best move to make.  But then again, wearing hubcab sized pentagrams around your neck and spouting the rede every chance you get is likely to get you some odd looks even within the pagan community.  Why can it not be about just people?  Why do people have to jump on the persecution train in order to feel justified in walking their path?  Learn a little history folks and then educate yourself some more  about the path you walk.  We aren’t all the same, so some things won’t apply, but respect for each other goes a long way toward solving some of the problems.

Oh..and if you are by chance “sharing” such crap as the picture above, and trying to pass yourself off as “news” for those on a particular path…I hold you to a higher level.  You need to educate yourself before trying to show others how they can walk their path.  You need to be ashamed at keeping walls built and ignorance going on far much longer than it should be.  Check that mirror and do some shadow work as to why you would keep perpetuating myths and inaccuracies in your “sharing” for others. All it does is show your stupidity and lack of respect for your fellow human beings.  Get over it. Get over yourself while you’re at it.  You have no relevance.

Mired in the bog of ignorance

Ever notice how some people seem to be so full of themselves that it seems as if they are stuck in a bog of ignorance.  It matters not that others correct them, offer better insight into the conversation, but because they are so stuck on themselves, they will not listen.   So with their air of supposed superiority, they waltz around spouting all sorts of drivel.  It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about, they have an opinion and its right dammit.  Just ask them. Now many of us as we start out on our path’s journeys, are more than a little green.  We like the shinies, all the trappings, and hoopla, but eventually we either get shown truth by our guides, find a nugget in a tome somewhere or someone smacks us upside the head and tells us to wake up and taste the rum!  So we move past where we first placed our foot on the path and move forward, tweaking, and learning until our path represents who we are. That is called a learning process, one forged through hard work, much soul searching and conversations with those who would guide us.  And still as we look back, we see those who refuse to move past where they began.  Content on standing  knee deep, mired in a bog of shit that serves noone, least of all them.  One has to wonder why they stand there.  Is it because they are afraid to admit to themselves that what they think they know is totes carp and they might have been wrong on more than one front? Is it because they are so caught up in that love and light/healing shit tossed by every witch come lately that they refuse to admit to the need for balance in the universe?  Is it because they refuse to admit that taking a good look in the mirror and accepting who they are is more than a little required for becoming who they are destined to be?

To be honest those type of people that are mired down more than a little frustrate me.  Maybe its the shit they toss out about energy and healing  .  Pulling energy from the air is all well and good, but what do you do with the excess and how are you manipulating it?  Just how do they plan on healing the world?  Whatever you put out has to be in balance, so if you are removing negative, where are you putting it? It always boggles my mind at the narrow thinking of some of these people.  I could rant til I was blue in the face, but it makes no difference.  They are content to hang where they are.  Standing in that mucked river bed, mired in their own arrogance and ignorance.  Unfortunately they cannot see behind them as the waves are starting to form anew and make their way down the bed itself. Hope they can swim stuck on the bottom…Ya’ll reckon they can suck air through a reed on the bank?

Education tops group hugs

It’s interesting what I come across when I least expect it.  I’m just dropped these gifts into my lap, sometimes for the chuckle, and sometimes to stop and take a good look at what people are actually saying or thinking these days.  Such was the conversation of this morning.

A woman not on my friend list anymore(can’t remember if she removed herself or I did in my culling, but no matter),asked a damned good question today.

Her question: if you are of an intuitive nature and knew that someone was attacking you, affecting your ability to support yourself which is proven by events, but because you are intuitive you know that it is due to mental health issues, would you attack back? would you just put up protection? or would you let it go because they are not acting in sound mind? would really like to know what my sisters and brothers think on this one.
She got several responses.

 I believe in defense only…..if done right harm is reflected back on the aggressor

I just don’t sense that kind of energy in you; your own beautiful strength, power – and most of all love – will be more than enough protection. Stay in your heart center, trust the Goddess and your own instincts. One time, and one time only….. I acted foolishly and attacked back. Oh, how I regret this.

Protect, block, pray for them to stop. people who do these things to you need prayer and healing to stop, not only protects/helps you, but their other targets.

you are a wise woman. How true! The more we can heal these kinds of people as they cross our paths, the more we clear things for the collective.

 however, when one is feeling persecuted or attacked, it’s harder to realize, especially if it’s affecting loved ones as well. This is something I carry with me from Catholic grade school… The nuns taught us that those who feel inferior will point out flaws in others in order to draw attention from themselves to others as a self protection… the root of bullying is either that or realiation for feeling jealous of another that is causing them to feel hurt, either way, prayer for them, that their guardian angel will heal their heart and guide them to treat others bettter is the best defense because it impedes their destructive behavior to everyone, including themselves… Peace, love, light, protection to you, <redacted>, and guidance of the divine to your attacker, so that they may feel the love and peace that they need, in order to stop doing harm to others! (goes on to call for group prayer/intent, and adds a rider to divert intent to one of her problems as well.)

This seriously made me spit my coffee across the keyboard as I read it…totes waste  of nectar of the gods. But it also started a conversation between myself and my friend about the fluffy world these people live in as well as what would actually be some REAL advice for the OP.   So I decided to provide that answer here in my personal space as to how I feel about it personally.

Dear OP,
My personal opinion is that one must ALWAYS protect yourself from those who would send the negative to your doorstep.  But there are levels of that protection.  And there are other things to consider as well.  Is this family?  The reality is that there will always be conflict in a familial setting, and it will always have spill over.  Is it time to walk away or simply accept that it is what it is and find a simple way of dealing with the issues.  Are the offenders really having mental issues or claiming to do so?  Is this a habitual thing with them or just a once in a while thing?  All these issues need to be addressed before deciding upon a course of action.

Now, on to the protection steps.  Simple protection can be shields you erect yourself , simple workings that deny them access to you.  Understand that the word simple doesn’t imply that just anyone can construct these types, its just that they require less work(imho).
The next type of protection can be a thurasiz type of working.  It has a bit of a pricking by the thorns placed that keep others out, and yet do not necessarily cause them a great deal of harm.  Sort of a “trespassers can and will be shot” sort of thing.  The last part of protection is more aggressive and requires knowledge by those who have no problems with stepping across boundaries or on others to achieve it. It is an all out “I AM SO KICKING YOUR FUCKING ASS” kind of thing, and is not for the faint of heart.  I reserve this for those habitual offenders who have nothing better to do than stick their noses into my affairs.  ;).

So you see dear OP, there should be quite a bit of thought given to this issue. It has many issues that need answered first before you begin.

So…why did none of those “love and lighters” give her any such advice?  Why all the fluff about “love” and group hugs and the absolute  adage that “aggressive” magic not be employed?  I call bullshit!  BULLSHIT!  All of you that “answered” are so full of it, I’m absolutely positive that you have never wrought any sort of protection working that has worked even if your very life depended upon it!!!   Instead you keep repeating verbatim what every fluff I have ever had the misfortune to come across says.  Peace, love and light.  Those are all admirable qualities, but they do not apply to all situations.  And for the “no aggressive magic(k)” be used…wtf… Even if you blew on a dandelion to make a wish, you just blew that weed to hell. Seriously.  If at any time you use any kind of working to keep people from harming you or just kicking their have been “aggressive”.   I prefer to think of it as more pro active in my practice, but to the fluff, they think its all white light and rainbows.  Seriously. Start looking in the mirror and be honest with yourself.  If someone broke into your home either to take things that belong to you or to harm you or your family, you would damned well protect yourself! So why all the bullshit with your use of magic?  Maybe if enough of ya’ll start being a little more honest, we MIGHT just cut down on the ignorance and fluff.  Just a thought.

Walking in the shadows

Today I am perusing the stalker feed.  I wonder why I put myself through it because truthfully I will invariably see something that either makes me shake my head or my jaw drop with a what the fuck look.
It’s crazy sometimes what is put out there for sale for all those white lighters who want to put forth all that “we walk in the light only and not in shadow because its evil” bullshit. ya’ll even listen to yourself?  Do you hear how stupid that sounds? If you are anyway connected to nature on your path ,and most make that claim,then you will understand that there is balance of light and shadow , of duality.  There is no ‘good” and “evil” in this make up.  It simply “IS”.  Humans are the ones who place the labels there and construe them to suit their own personal values.  So why the need to sell all this “white magick” (yeah with the ever pretentious K)shit?  I don’t understand it really.
I was  whining about why do I look at such stuff?. A friend made a profound comment(it resonated with me).  She said  ” To remind you why you walk in the shadows and let the popularity chasers walk in the spotlight.” Maybe that makes me sound elitist or judgmental and in some ways I guess it is, but  in truth, what I do, how I work needs no atta-boys or accolades from others.  I do as I have always done, and if that helps others, then so be it.  I prefer the shadows where there is comfort and time to breath as opposed to being out in the bright spotlight  that a lot of people seem to seek.  and I don’t have anything against their works for sale..what I take issue with is this need to place a label on it for the new and fluff to gobble up as if at some sort of damn smorgasbord, gathering up all the chotzkes  , all the shineys and of course candles galore in every color and nuance …it all invariably gets labelled for “white magic(k)”, and to me that shows the ignorance behind what is offered.  Even if someone had enough sense to buy this and use it in a wise way, the stupidity with how its presented will turn those with more than a semblance of education to turn away.  but maybe its not to those who do so that you wish to line your pockets with huh?  You intend to sell to the fluff, those who think they need to buy any and all that you have to offer without even knowing the significance of the items.  Yeah, well, I think I will stick to my shadows and fend for myself, thanks just the same.  I am allergic to bullshit and stupidity, no matter the direction it comes.

Among the missing…and yet not

I don’t remember the first time I saw it.  It just seemed to have always been around.  I picked up the carton, and turned it around to look once again at the picture there.  Black and white, grainy..not my best obviously, wonder why they didnt use a better picture?  Still  it’s myself looking back at me.  How long has it been I wondered.  I have lost track of time since I fell off the grid.  Maybe they recycle these photos I think…Surely they can’t still be looking for me after all this time.    I can barely remember what it was like to be locked in with the mundane world with all its putrid vile energy coming at me from all sides.  The side stepping of those who think its all fun and games to keep trying to peer over boundary fences grows tiring all the time, so I had no choice really but  to remove myself and walk into the world of the missing, hiding in plain sight.  In the beginning, it was a little more difficult, with people wandering around carrying their photos of me going around and asking others “Have you seen this here witch?  I’ve looked all over tarnation for her”.  Always receiving a negative answer.  They sigh in exasperation and move on to ask again and again. It’s relatively easy enough to place that answer into someone’s consciousness and sit back in the shadows to watch the show.  Disguises are relatively simple as well, but they hardly seem necessary now.  Being among the missing has been freeing actually.  Less expectations are placed upon you by others, such as those who feel they have the right to ask, no..demand that you “help” right their world.  It gives one the space to breathe and reconnect to a place that seems to have lost its balance.  How long will I continue to sit and watch?  Well, I can’t rightly say…yet.  It could be just a short spell, or it could be a longer piece.  Either way its amusing to me to watch the scurrying of vermin seeking those they think might help them find the missing witch.

Hey!  Ya’ll seen a witch come this way?  N  O………

I don’t believe it so it’s gotta be fake

It’s funny what you see in other people’s conversations isn’t it?  I mean whatever we do or wherever we go, we invariably become privy to other people’s conversations as well as their points of views.  It’s the same way on social network sites.  I see conversations that aren’t mine taking place, but they get me to thinking which can’t always be a bad thing right?

So I see a conversation in which someone says they don’t believe in hexing,crossing,cursing(whatever you want to call personal fav is kicking).  Wanted to know if a certain work such as writing someone’s name, birthdate on paper and placing it in the freezer would indeed hex someone.  It’s certainly one way to bind someone from certain paths perspective, but NOT the only one.  I would say yes it would work if that is your intent.  But the OP still goes on to say that because she shields and only allows positive affirmations in her life” then that could not work against her.  Excuse me while I laugh my ass off here.  The reason for the horse laugh?  Nobody I know who has ever had a working done against them has ever been able to protect themselves fully nor prevent it fully from happening. Even those who are well protected tend to get a little singed as they send it on its way.  One cannot play in fire without being exposed to the smoke you know.   It just tends to cause less trouble than those who do not protect themselves.  So what about those good love and lighters who don’t believe in hexing people?  Would they still be harmed.  Hell yes! I actually kind of like those people who claim to not believe in it..makes it much easier for me to kick their ass when I choose to do so.  So do I tell them I’m going to do it?  Sometimes, just for the chuckles I will.  Sometimes I want them to remember that I’ve told them that I am going to kick them.  Let that play around in their little world for a bit, until they can’t sleep because they wonder what I’m going to do, when it’s going to happen.  What am I doing while all this is going on?  Probably sleeping pretty damn well because the hardest part of the kicking is already taking place.  They are doing the work, waiting for the light of the train to appear from the tunnel to flatten their ass, watching…and just when they think it’s never going to happen…….SPLAT!!!! That train has rolled over their ass while I sit with my bowl of popcorn to watch the after effects.  Is this my usual modus operandi?  Nope.  Sometimes I am that still small breeze that stirs the air lulling you into false security because nothing has happened…yet.  Sometimes you might just have the wheels falling off your shit all over.  No warning..just how it is sometimes.  But wait..I don’t believe in that , you say? Doesn’t matter what YOU believe.  It’s what I believe that makes all this work.  You do not have to believe that I can do a damn thing to you(but for me it’s a lot more humorous if you do~just saying~), but I DO believe in kicking people when they deserve it.  So what would warrant my kicking? It takes a bit.  I’m usually willing to let you harm yourself really, but sometimes an assist isn’t out of the question. Fuck with those I care about and it is full game on!   Sometimes half the reward in this for myself is deciding just how or when I plan on deploying said juju.  I might get creative or I might stick with the tried and true.

The truth is, I care less if you believe or not.  I don’t know how people walk around so unbalanced in their paths.  If you cant(or wont) curse, then how do you justify sending or expending healing energies? THAT is the flip side to that coin.  It doesn’t matter if someone else believes in what you do..only that YOU do.  So for those who walk around with their fingers in their ears while their head is up their collective asses, here is just a tiniest little clue…Yes throwing a curse, tossing a hex, kicking of ass does indeed exist. Those of us who do it care less if you believe…but are kind of curious how you define what the fuck is happening to you when things are going awry. Are you sure it’s just a lil bad run of luck?  Or maybe something you did?  What if…oh, what IF…someone has decided you need to be taught a lesson? Just a thought.  😉


tempête parfaite