Sometimes people’s assumptions can make one more than a little crazed. I post all sorts of things on FB. Mostly those things that strike me as amusing, things that remind me of my friends or things that make me think. But not all of what I post is a true reflection of who I am. For instance, I post a lot of alcohol jokes. Now one might think as a person reared in a home of an abusive, often violent alcoholic, I might not find this an amusing subject. And if I were living and had not left it behind over 30 yrs ago, I might agree with that statement. But I have lived through it, and moved past it .So I guess it would be safe to say for those who do not know me well to “assume” that I must like to drink…a lot judging by what all I post right? Yeah, that is how I live my life..mhm. When I get responses like “Do you drink EVERY day”, or “don’t you drink til oblivious when you don’t have child care duty”? I want to smack people. First, just what business is it of theirs when or how I drink let alone how much? Secondly, does the alcohol police go around for every person and determine if they can drink with a child in the house? I think not. So just because I often joke about drinking, dont assume that I am in fact drinking as I post it(although I could be).
The thing about growing up in an alcoholic home, one can go couple of directions. You can either continue the cycle of abuse and drink yourself(which I did in my teens) or break that cycle and not drink, something I did as I got older. Then I found a happy balance for myself. I limit myself to two drinks whether I am home or out with others because I find that after 2, I tend to not appreciate others sense of humor. It can get ugly …fast. I also imbibe in ritual settings, which is not the same as drinking socially. I have been known to empty the bottle of rum during a working and while I wake up tired the next day, have no other ill effects of that kind of drinking. It doesnt make sense I know, but then that is the beauty of magic.
For those who assume to know me, my personal habits and want to comment with some retarded shit…best advice: DONT. I am not amused, and it can cause an irreparable rift in our “friendship”.